Ciociari dinanzi le mura poligonali di Alatri


From 1950 Art, Culture and Tradition

from Ciociaria


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Danzatrice ciociara sul palco del Festival Internazionale del Folklore Flavio FiorlettaCiociari dinanzi le mura poligonali di Alatri


Ciociari dinanzi le mura poligonali di Alatri


Since 1950 Art, Culture and Tradition

from Ciociaria


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Danzatrice ciociara sul palco del Festival Internazionale del Folklore Flavio FiorlettaCiociari dinanzi le mura poligonali di Alatri

Our mission

is to revive the local popular tradition by, keeping it alive for future generations and to make the beauty and importance of Ciociara’s culture known to audiences of all ages. We seek to preserve and enhance our cultural heritage, reviving and adopting ancient customs, tools, dances, music and songs.

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Our mission

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is to revive the local popular tradition by, keeping it alive for future generations and to make the beauty and importance of Ciociara’s culture known to audiences of all ages.

The founder

The group was born in the 50s from the illustrious mind of Flavio Fiorletta, a personality who had a key role in the enhancement and diffusion of the popular traditions of the Ciociaria. Flavio distinguished himself for having created the first "International Folklore Festival" of Alatri in 1970, which has now become one of the most important folkloric festivals across Italy. Flavio’s passion for traditions led him to work hard to export the culture of his region, but also to recreate an atmosphere of multiculturalism in the Ciociaria, enhancing and promoting popular art and music. His work has been recognized with several prizes, including the Europa Prize awarded by the “A. Toepfer” in Hamburg in 1976, which recognized Flavio’s group "Aria di Casa Nostra" as the best group of folk art and traditions.

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Our founder

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The group was born in the 50s from the illustrious mind of Flavio Fiorletta, a personality who had a key role in the enhancement and diffusion of the popular traditions of the Ciociaria.

Costume, Music, Dance


The costumes of Aria di Casa Nostra want to be faithful reproductions of those of our Ciociarian ancestors; Filippo Balbi's oleographs are an excellent aid for their realization


The repertoire performed is typical of the Ciociaria and is inherited from the studies of Maestro Luigi Colacicchi or from the collection "Accusì canta la Ciuciaria" written by Flavio Fiorletta.


The proposed dances perfectly represent the spirit of Ciociaria, a region where overcoming life's difficulties is lived with sympathy and carefree

The group's performances fall within the popular tradition, with a repertoire that pays homage to the ancient values of the Ciociara land.

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Costume, Music, Dance

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The group's performances fall within the popular tradition, with a repertoire that pays homage to the ancient values of the Ciociara land.

The costumes of Aria di Casa Nostra want to be faithful reproductions of those of our Ciociarian ancestors; Filippo Balbi's oleographs are an excellent aid for their realization

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The repertoire performed is typical of the Ciociaria and is inherited from the studies of Maestro Luigi Colacicchi or from the collection "Accusì canta la Ciuciaria" written by Flavio Fiorletta.

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The proposed dances perfectly represent the spirit of Ciociaria, a region where overcoming life's difficulties is lived with sympathy and carefree

BLOGDI CASA NOSTRAYou will find a space that collects stories, anecdotes, anniversaries, events and curiosities about Alatri and Ciociaria.
available only in Italian



You will find a space that collects stories, anecdotes, anniversaries, events and curiosities about Alatri and Ciociaria.

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